Probation and Parole: What Criminal Defense Attorneys Know
If you are facing criminal charges, you might face punishment like probation or even time in prison. You may have heard words like "probation" and "parole" before, but you might not have any idea what this means for your criminal defense case.
So, what does your criminal defense attorney know about your case and where does that leave you? This guide will help you figure things out.
A Conviction
Here's the truth: nobody wants to face a conviction. Most people fight for the best possible outcome, but it may not necessarily happen. In some cases, you might even put in a plea agreement. The good news is that in these cases, having a criminal defense attorney is still a smart option. A criminal defense attorney can help you mitigate your punishment.
Is Probation a Preferred Outcome?
Probation is served outside of the custody of the state. As a result, probation is often considered a preferred punishment if you must be convicted of a crime or make a plea agreement. Probation allows you to go home and serve a sentence that might just have a few steps involved, like drug testing or not driving.
Here's where your criminal defense attorney comes in. They help prove that you deserve a lesser sentence than the prosecutor is pursuing. For example, they may argue that you were a first-time offender, and so you do not need to serve time in jail or prison.
The Parole Option
If probation is not an option in your situation, your criminal defense lawyer will help you fight for the best possible sentence in your favor. In a situation like yours, it might be that the best case is time in jail or prison with the option for parole.
Parole is like probation in that you get to go home and live under certain restrictions. For example, you might also be told you have to maintain a job or refrain from drinking alcohol. Your attorney helps fight for probation as an option even if you face a felony charge.
Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney for the Best Possible Outcome
There are several ways you can ensure that you are making the best decision for your criminal case. A criminal defense attorney can help you argue your case so that you can get a more favorable outcome, In some cases, attorneys have been able to help clients avoid prison and parole and instead get probation.